Coop Supercard Prämienshop
Coop Group
E-Commerce, Retail, Loyalty Programs
01.2020 - 08.2021
The swiss-wide known Coop Supercard Prämienshop got a relaunch with a new design and an extension in functionality. The mission of b-nova in this relaunch included consulting and development duties, design of new interfaces, components and processes and being the deputy of the technical product owner.

Biggest challenge
Combination of further development and housekeeping
What we did
Technical implementation of the web shop
Main tools we used
SAP Commerce, Spring Framework, jQuery
Onboarding b-nova
JANUARY 2020Technical implementation of the web shop
DURATION: 18 MONTHSConception & implementation of user stories in Scrum sprints
Go live
JULY 2021Go live of the Prämienshop is about to happen
Conception and implementation of different eCommerce functionalities
Reimplementation and further development of all pages with new requirements and a new design & markup
Conception and definition of different processes and requirements as a deputy PO IT and lead developer
Support with technical and functional issues
Documentation, workshops and know how transferring
SAP Commerce (formerly SAP Hybris)
Spring Framework
Jakarta Server Pages (JSP)
Jira / Confluence
Apache Tomcat
Java 8
Apache Solr
Jetbrains IntelliJ
Scrum / Agile