A few lines about us

What bonds us together is the shared passion for new and innovational technologies that can be leveraged of great benefit to our customers. We believe that together as a team we can achieve greatness. To us, the human side of things is as important as the cultural or the technical. As soon as everybody start to click together, the old proverb 'The whole is greater than the sum of its part' becomes truly meaningful. While doing what we do best, fun and zeal, as well as the willingness to learn new things are fundamental values at b-nova. Our forthright and wholesome work climate helps us accomplish this on a daily basis.

Corporate news about b-nova

As Cilium experts, we operate at the cutting edge of technology and are here to help you take your project to the next level!

Schwerpunkte etabliert, neue Ufer betreten, Team erweitert, Partnerschaften geknüpft, Kundenzufriedenheit gefestigt, Erfolge gefeiert, räumlich vergrössert, decodify ins Leben gerufen, zahlreiche Blogposts produziert und stets am Ball geblieben! Wir haben gelacht, gegrübelt, gefeiert, diskutiert, evaluiert, eingesetzt, wieder weggeschmissen, genickt, den Kopf geschüttelt und zusammen an einem Strang gezogen! In den vergangenen 5 Jahren ist rund um b-nova sehr viel passiert, wir wollen die erfolgreichen Jahre Revue passieren lassen und in die Zukunft schauen.

Das gesamte b-nova Team wünscht allen Kunden, Partnern und Freunden ein besinnliches Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch in ein erfolgreiches Jahr 2022! An dieser Stelle würden wir uns gerne für eine stets positive und zielführende Zusammenarbeit in spannenden Projekten mit unseren Kunden und Partnern bedanken. Wir wollen diese Gelegenheit nutzen und einen kleinen Jahresrückblick machen

Als offizieller Kubernetes Certified Service Provider sind wir Ihre Experten rund um Kubernetes und Container-Orchestrierung

CACTUS – Our virtue acronym at b-nova


We know how to get things done


Being ambitious, challenges make us more engaged


Being able to talk about positive and negative things in a forthright and frank manner


Alone we're strong, as a team we're even stronger


5 may also be seen as an even number sometimes


Canny, innovational and elegant – we're clearly smart!

What matters is how we do things

What matters is how we do things

How are we approaching daily business, how are we seen and how do we see ourselves?
'Corporate values serve as a beacon during a stormy and obscure night – they guide us, the navigators on the b-nova ship, and keep us on the right track.' What happens when corporate values are established and adopted by its members?
'A corporate culture emerges which fosters and incentivizes morale, loyalty and quality of work! b-nova strives for a positive, conducive and innovational corporate culture where coworkers, customers and partners are gladly taking part in.' How is any of this related to a cactus?
'On their first day of work, every employee receives a real living cactus plant that he/she has to take care of. This serves as a symbolical analogy to internalize our corporate values. Besides that, a cactus does indeed look awesome on one's desk.' 😊