Jenkins Console Navigation Plugin

18.03.2019Stefan Welsch
Tech Jenkins Inhouse CI/CD DevOps

Jenkins Console is now a bit more user-friendly

b-nova releases its first Jenkins plugin. This plugin is very simple, but extremely practical.

The problem

Whenever a Jenkins build should have failed, the first point of contact is the good old Jenkins console. Once in the console, you can now start looking for the actual error. The first thing to do is scroll typically all the way down, since experience has shown that the error message is hidden there.

After you have found the error and now want to fix it, you scroll all the way in the console again to the top, as the menu is located there. In the long run, this whole scrolling is quite annoying and also costs a few seconds each time.

The solution

b-nova has taken on the problem according to the mission ‘Additional value through innovation’ and created a plug-in, which offers a small navigation area for the console. In the first version it will be the first time to have a Back to Top button. The second version will appear soon and also offers a Scroll to Bottom and a Scroll to error button.

Stay tuned!

How can I install the plugin?

The plugin is available in the official Jenkins Plugin Store and can be downloaded directly from there can be installed via Jenkins management.

Link to our plugin repo:

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Stefan Welsch

Stefan Welsch – Pionier, Stuntman, Mentor. Als Gründer von b-nova ist Stefan immer auf der Suche nach neuen und vielversprechenden Entwicklungsfeldern. Er ist durch und durch Pragmatiker und schreibt daher auch am liebsten Beiträge die sich möglichst nahe an 'real-world' Szenarien anlehnen.